Shipping and return policies for Howard Bronzson

Shipping Info
Delivery of product(s), within the U.S., can take up to 7 business days. Normal expectancy, on average, is within 5 business days. Anything outside of this time frame, please email us at: We will be glad to assist you in receiving your ordered product(s).

For deliveries shipped outside of the U.S. please allow up to 3 weeks before receiving your order. If your delivery takes longer than 3 weeks, please email us at: We will gladly assist in helping you with any delivery issues or discrepancies.

In advance, we apologies for any issues and thank you for your patience.
Return Policy
All sales are final after 45 days of receiving your product. To make a return, email at and title it 'Return'. In your message state if you want your refund electronically through Paypal, or in a certified check. Please list an address, and you will receive a pre-paid mailer to send the item, or items, back. You will be given the tracking number, and once we receive and inspect the item you will receive 100% full refund. If any issues with ordering, shipping, or product transactions, please email: Be sure to state your problem clearly, and you will receive a response within an hour of placing your email. In advance, we apologize for any discrepancies and assure we can handle your product issue in a timely manner.